Heart of Borneo
Krayan area is the most isolated area of the Kayan Mentarang park, and only accessable, by trekking for days from the coastal line, or by an air caravan plane. Krayan is habitated by the Lundaye Dayak tribe, several villages are found as Long Bawan, Long Layu, and Lembudud, which all have kept the traditional life in the mountain region. Dry rise field plantations, of red rise, type only found at Krayan, also the salt mountain belt is of economic value for Krayan, which find it way over the border to Malaysia Kayan Mentarang park is the largest block of untouched jungle left in Borneo, with an wealth of flora and fauna of numerous animal species hide in the rain forest which only can be found at Kalimantan, including many species that are endemic to the Bornean mountain bioregion. The Kayan Mentarang park is inhabitated by several thousand Dayak and Punan people. Wildlife is hard to see due to hunting by native Dayaks.
Krayan Travel Information
Tour Destination :Long Bawan, North Kalimantan, Indonesia
Main Interest & Activities :
Jungle trek, and exploring the Flora and Fauna which can not be found anywhere else in the world,in combination with the traditional Dayak Culture, and exciting jungle treks are the most touristic value things to do in Long Bawan.
Recommended visit time is 2 to 6 days
Culture :
Dayak Kenyah & Punan
Flora & Fauna :
Tropical Rainforest and Wildlife
Tour Starting Point :
Balikpapan East Kalimantan, Either Tarakan North Kalimantan Indonesia
Tour Transport Possibilities :
By small air caravan plane from Tarakan either Tanjung Selor fly to Long Bawan
From Tanjung Selor By long Boat as far as you can up Kayan River ( estimated time 2 days ) from there hiking to Long Bawan. From Malinau by longboat to Long Berang and trekking for about 7-9 days to Long Bawan
Tour Ending Point :
Balikpapan East Kalimantan, or Tarakan North Kalimantan, Indonesia
Travel Distance to entry point :
600 Km from Balikpapan Airport, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Tour Duration :
Short Get Through Visit 10 to 14 Days
Accommodation & Hotels :
Local Houses or Jungle Camp
Tour Grade :